Kotoba–no–Design (design of words) 2010–Issues on onscreen typography

Yasuhito Nagahara reacted to tweets by Kenya Hara “Why is quality of the Japanese typography not good in web environments”. Starting from interest surrounding onscreen typography, they developed discussions into seminar programs and launched “Kotoba–no–Design (design of words) 2010–Issues on onscreen typography” as a JAGDA project. This digital book is a record of eight seminars held from May 2010 through June 2011. Actual images and movies used in each sessions are fully covered.
Themes and speakers
1. “Typography in Web Environments”
Speakers: Masaki Yamabe and Yuko Ogawa (Alliance Port), Norihito Hirose (Monokakido)
2. “Typeface in Onscreen Environments”
Speakers: Osamu Toriumi (Jiyu-Kobo), Mitsuhiro Miyazaki (AXIS Design)
3. “Words starting to Excercise”
Speakers: Genichiro Takahashi (author), Mari Hashimoto (writer)
4. “Designers’ Onscreen” Speakers: Gento Matsumono (graphic designer), Hitoshi Koizumi (typographer, graphicker)
5. “Exercising Words / Reacting Words”
Speakers: Yugo Nakamura (web designer / film director), Tsutomu Okabe (NHK Design Center)
6. “Newspaper/Media Theories”
Speakers: Takao Yamada (The Nikkei), Masaaki Kasuya (The Mainichi Newspapers), Daisuke Takehara (The Asahi Shimbun)
7. ”Print and web: Seeing through words”
Speakers: Ryoji Tanaka (web designer, Semitransparent Design), Taro Yamamoto (Adobe Systems)
8. “Overview: Future of design and words”
Speakers: Nobuo Tomita (Morisawa), Yasuhito Nagahara, and Kenya Hara
Supervisors: Yasuhito Nagahara, Kenya Hara
For more details, visit
Released on 5 October, 2011
Art Direction: Yasuhito Nagahara
Cooperation: Adobe Systems
Planned and published by JAGDA
Price: 1,200 Yen (tax included)
Purchase from iTunes (finished)