Graphic Design in Japan 2007

JAGDA, the largest design organization in Asia, has introduced outstanding designs in the Graphic Design in Japan annual every year since 1981. These designs, selected through a strict selection process, are introduced with a large number of pictures and are recommended with confidence. Over 1,000 designs are categorized and presented with the purpose of production for each work. Designers and their works are laid out in Japanese alphabetic order. In addition, a list of JAGDA members by prefecture (including e-mail addresses and URLs) and indexes of copywriters and photographers are included. This is an unprecedented design almanac, a collection of world-class graphic designs created by Japanese designers, which also serves as a database.
The 9th Yusaku Kamekura Design Award / JAGDA New Designer Awards 2007 / Posters / General Graphics / CI, Symbols & Logotypes / Book & Editorial Design / Package Design / Newspaper Advertising / Magazine Advertising / Interactive Design & Motion Graphics / Signs, Displays & Monuments
The 9th Yusaku Kamekura Design Award
The Yusaku Kamekura Design Award was established to honor the achievements of Mr. Yusaku Kamekura, the first President of JAGDA, with the aim of further developing graphic design. This award is presented to the best design selected from works included in the Graphic Design in Japan annual. The 9th Award was presented to the package design of ISSIMBOW “Katachi-koh” created by Mr. Shin Matsunaga. This is the first product of the new graphic design-led brand ISSIMBOW. The quality and completeness of the product with the excellent design not only in the outer package but also in detail were highly evaluated.
JAGDA New Designer Awards 2007
The JAGDA New Designer Award was established in 1983 with the goals of calling attention to outstanding young designers and vitalizing the realm of graphic design. The 2007 awards represent the 25th to date. As a result of the strict selection process, Mr. Tomoaki Furuya, Mr. Tadahiro Gunji and Mr. Yosuke Kobayashi were selected as the award-winning designers.
Top Scorer
The works garnering the most votes in each category are shown at the top of their respective category pages.
This One!
“This One!” is a system whereby all participants on the judging panel comment freely on one work among the year’s entries that attracted their interest in particular.
Roundtable Discussions
The judging panel held the 11 category-based discussions on the trends of designs created during the year, works which attracted particular attention, and future possibilities.
Member Directory
A list of JAGDA members by prefecture (including e-mail addresses and URLs) is included.
Format: A4/480 pages/color
Editor in chief: Yasuhiro Sawada
Book design: Manabu Mizuno
Order/inquiry: This book is no longer available for purchase